We hit the road at the start of each year as both camper and staff fairs pop up across the country. If you know of a prospective camper looking for something to do this summer or a friend looking for a job, encourage them to stop by for a visit. We're also available for appointments. For more information, contact us at office@northstarcamp.com.
We'll also be scheduling more trips throughout the spring!
* = Camper Fair
*January 15th - West Bloomfield, MI
Camp and Teen Program Expo - 6:00 - 8:00pm
JCC West Bloomfield - 6600 West Maple Road, West Bloomfield, MI
January 16th - University of Chicago
Summer Opportunities Job Fair - 6:00pm - 8:30pm
University of Chicago - Quadrangle Club
*January 26th - St. Louis, MO
Summer Opportunities Camp Fair - 10am - 3pm
John Burroughs School
- 755 South Price Road - St. Louis, MO 63124-1866
January 29th - University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
ACA Mini Job Fair - 9:30am - 3:00pm
Location Details to follow
January 31st - Marquette University
ACA Mini Job fair - 9:30am - 3:30pm
Location Details to follow
February 4th - Muskingum University
Camp Day Job Fair - 10am - 2pm
Muskingum University Rec Center Atrium - 163 Stormont
February 5th - TBA
February 6th - Knox College
Summer Camp Employment Fair - 10am - 2:30pm
Knox College Seymour Union - 2 East south St- Galesburg, IL
February 6th - Monmouth College
Summer Camp Employment Fair - 4:00pm - 6:30pm
Monmouth College Stockdale Center - 700 E. Broadway- Monmouth, IL
February 7th - Western Illinois University
Summer Camp Job Fair - 10am - 4pm
University Union - 1 University Circle - Macomb, IL
*February 9th - Dallas TX
Tips on Trips Camp Fair - 1:00 - 3:30pm
Episcopal School Middle and Upper School Campus - 4100 Merrell Road - Dallas, TX
February 10th - 15th - Dallas, TX
American Camp Association National Conference
February 19th - University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point
Summer Camp and Recreation Job Fair - 10am - 3pm
UW Stevens Point - Dreyfus University Center – Laird Room
February 20th - University of Wisconsin, La Crosse
Summer Job and Camp Fair - 10am - 3pm
UW La Crosse - Valhalla, Cartwright Center
February 21st - Winona State University
Camp, Internship & Volunteer Fair - 11am - 3pm
Winona State University - Student Union -
Kryzsko Commons