But the heat has not slowed us down even a bit. This morning brought the beginning of the regular program. On Sunday night, each camper was given a list of around 100 activities that we offer. They had the difficult task of choosing the six they were going to participate in for the week. They will be doing each of those activities for an hour and fifteen minutes three days in a row. Whether it's archery, climbing, football or waterskiing, the boys have the flexibility to dive into the projects of their choosing. They will then have the opportunity to repeat this selection process each week, which allows them to try new activities and continue with the ones they really loved.
Tonight's evening program turned into the greatest game of Bingo ever played. With prizes on the line such as picking the Fun-Bug Dude, Ringing the Bell, or the grand prize of a trip to Dairy Queen, the boys were so excited about Bingo that the Lodge sounded like a sporting event. Ben Mizel's narrations and guessing games made it even more exciting.
And when the rain let up, the boys went out to do what boys do - play in the mud!
It was a great day on the heels of a great night last night. Dinner was our banquet dinner, which was not only delicious, but the Lodge was filled with enthusiasm and the music of pianist Danny L to accompany all the counselors in silly costumes. After the conclusion of the banquet, we played our first game of All-Camp Capture the Flag, which included the new twist of a Junior Village only flag. We ended the game early and had an evening swim, before the kids went to bed and put a wrap on a great first full day of second session.