Scott is also organizing a self defense class for charity through the Key Club, a charity group that he’s involved in at school. Proceeds those proceeds will go towards longevity and you can find more info at: http://on.fb.me/x7s6bm.
More about Scott Jason Cornelius Batman Plonsker III
Favorite tv show: 24
Best place you've ever traveled to: South Africa (I stood on the same bungee jumping bridge where the cord snapped on that woman recently. My cousin actually did it)
Sports team(s) that you root for: MICHIGAN/Bulls
Favorite camp meal: that delicious lemon pie from the Canadian
Favorite spot at camp: Right in front of the office air conditioner...and the council ring
Favorite all camp/special program to do at camp: Glen's game (as a camper and a counselor)
Earliest camp memory or notable camp memory: First blobbing experience
If you had a super hero power, what would it be: To be able to sweat Gatorade
Best Hanukkah present that you've ever gotten: I replaced my childhood bed this year for one that fits. My feet were poking through the back...
Preferred chicken nugget dip: Ketchup with a few drops of honey
Favorite tv show: 24
Best place you've ever traveled to: South Africa (I stood on the same bungee jumping bridge where the cord snapped on that woman recently. My cousin actually did it)
Sports team(s) that you root for: MICHIGAN/Bulls
Favorite camp meal: that delicious lemon pie from the Canadian
Favorite spot at camp: Right in front of the office air conditioner...and the council ring
Favorite all camp/special program to do at camp: Glen's game (as a camper and a counselor)
Earliest camp memory or notable camp memory: First blobbing experience
If you had a super hero power, what would it be: To be able to sweat Gatorade
Best Hanukkah present that you've ever gotten: I replaced my childhood bed this year for one that fits. My feet were poking through the back...
Preferred chicken nugget dip: Ketchup with a few drops of honey