A graduate of Ball State University, he worked at Uncle Dans Outfitter in Chicago and remembers outfitting some of our campers before they headed to camp for the summer. He’s also got extensive video editing experience, so in addition to being one of our trip leaders, he’ll be responsible for our summer video.
More About Kyle
Best place you've ever traveled to: South Island of New Zealand
Sports team(s) that you root for: Manchester United and Chicago Bulls
How did you learn about North Star and why did you apply: I use to work for an outdoor store in Chicago where I would outfit the campers of NSC for the summer. I applied to North Star because I knew it would give me the opportunity to do what I love, be in the outdoors and share my skills and knowledge with the youth.
What did you do last summer: I spent the summer backpacking on the Colorado Trail and ascending 14ers. Also spent some time sport climbing in Boulder Canyon and Clear Creak Canyon.
What noteworthy/menial/random job(s) have you previously held: I sold sweet corn from a trailer on the side of the road in a really small town outside of Lafayette, IN.
What, if any previous camp experiences have you had: When I lived in Georgia, I attended a camp for a few years offered thru the YMCA.
If you had a super hero power, what would it be: Super human strength
Best Christmas present that you've ever gotten: ENO Doublenest Hammock
Preferred chicken nugget dip: Honey mustard