Kate recently because president of her school chapter of her sorority, Alpha Sigma Alpha. A few weeks ago she found out I was accepted for a study abroad program in Copenhagen for part of next year. As a visual communications major, she's a pretty artistic person.She's got a wide variety of artistic skills, from crafts to photography and we know that she'll do a great job this summer as our Arts and Crafts Director.
More About Kate
Your three favorite movies of all time: Skyfall, Love Actually, The Avengers
What is your dream job: Photojournalist for National Geographic working all over the world.
Best place you’ve ever traveled to: Rome
Favorite cartoon character: Kim Possible
If you could have lunch with any two people, dead or alive, who would they be?: Robert Downey Jr. and Bell Hooks.
How did you learn about North Star and why did you apply?: Dan came to my college as part of a summer camp job fair and he told me about the Arts & Crafts Coordinator position. After looking at the website, I knew NSC would be a fantastic place to work over the summer because of the strength of the community. I'm determined to make the Arm & Hammer a very popular choice this summer.
noteworthy/random/menial jobs have you held: - I work in the Archives
of my college library, which means I get to handle all the really old
books and artifacts.
did you do last summer?: I worked at a framing shop/art gallery by
building new frames for anything from amazing pieces of art to
children's finger painting and restoring old frames. I also traveled
down to Portland to help out my Aunt and went to Manzanita, OR with
friends from high school.
What, if any previous camp experiences have you had?: I
spent a few summers at Camp Spalding in Washington State, including one
year when I attended their Pioneer camp and spent a whole week sleeping
in a tepee.