More About Max
Favorite Tombstone pizza type: pepperoni
Favorite project at camp (that you don’t necessarily instruct): Disc Golf
Your three favorite movies of all time: 1. The Longest Yard, 2. Crooked Arrows, 3. Step Brothers.
Preferred wanegan offering: Skittles
Best evening program at camp: Glens Game by far!
Favorite cartoon character: Scooby-Doo
Favorite camp (card) game: Squares
If you could have lunch with any two people, dead or alive, who would they be?: Mike Bibby and Abraham Lincoln
What is your dream job: i'm not exactly sure but to make so much money that the 3 seconds it would take to bend down and pick up a $20 bill off the street would have a higher opportunity cost than if I worked for those 3 seconds. That calculates out to $24,000/hr, or $960,000/40-hr week.
A little known fact about yourself: When I was just a few months old I managed to fracture my skull.