A lot of things have happened since the campers arrived at 4:35pm on Monday afternoon. Swim tests and physicals are a necessity. We also want the campers being active and learning fun new games like continuous dodgeball, tush ball and tetherball. As the campers go through the Tuesday procedures, we're hard at work getting the program ready. We take camper requests the evening they get here and then spend the day on Tuesday scheduling each camper into what they're going to do the first week.
Just after breakfast on Wednesday, campers received their first schedules of the summer and after a quick cabin clean-up, they're out on the fields, lake and courts. We don't waste any time here, not just because every moment at camp is precious, but it's vital to get the campers in to a routine. Moreover, for campers that are still getting adjusted to life at camp, getting into the program finds them learning new skills, having success on the program and perhaps most importantly, having fun.
Walking around camp on the first day of camp is a realization of lots of great planning and hard work. We're able to see program areas that have been set-up in action. We see great staff members who put their activity skills to work, teaching in new and unique ways. We get more confirmation how awesome our counselors are when they run a phenomenal period of soccer or swimming for the first period. Having our campers finally partake in activities after ten months off just makes things seem all that much more right at camp. (Read more about the schedule of a typical day on the website - http://northstarcamp.com/experience/a-typical-day)
There's little time to rest as Thursday promises more great fun and adventure.