Since the end of last summer a few things have changed in my life. I graduated from the University of Wisconsin – Madison in December, with a Bachelor’s degree in Conservation Biology. I have also moved back home to Rochester, Minnesota in order to cut costs and live with my family for a little bit. It’s always nice to be back home, even if most of my time is monopolized by hunting for a full-time job and starting a career. Since being home I have started working for Huntington Learning Center as an academic subject and ACT tutor specializing in the life sciences, math, and physics.
I just recently wrapped up a trip to Hungary to see my girlfriend, and I plan to go again for a month when camp is over this year. Hopefully I can get that tourist visa changed to a work visa, as I will also being searching for employment there throughout the year. However, future planning aside, I am so excited to be coming back to camp this summer! I have some fun ecology programs on the drawing board, so come check it out!
More about Bryce
What is your favorite camp meal?
- Every Friday night meal. The sense of camaraderie is so amazing every week.
If you could be any animal (besides a human), what would you be and why?
- A pangolin. Most importantly because they are one of the most heavily trafficked animals on the planet, and secondarily because they are impossibly cute.
What is your guilty pleasure tv show(s):
- I have recently been binge-watching Blue Bloods on Netflix. Gotta love a serial crime drama.
Where is your favorite spot at camp:
- I am going to have to say that my favorite spot at camp is right by the water in the counsel ring, where a bench dedicated to Vicky now lies. It’s beautiful and calm there.
What is your dream Job:
- Conservation and/or ecology teacher. I already get pretty close to that at camp!
If you could have dinner with any three people, dead or alive, who would they be and why?:
- I am going to have to say Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking, and Robert Goddard. I would love to hear their individual opinions on the future of space travel. Musk and Goddard are/were considered pioneers in space travel (during their respective eras), and Stephen Hawking, though recently deceased, worked on, and many would say defined, the cutting edge of theoretical physics. It would be interesting to get them in the same room together and see where the conversation goes.
What is the best Christmas/Hanukkah present that you've ever gotten:
- My favorite presents that I have ever gotten are books. Nothing special, I just absolutely love to read.
What are/were your favorite subjects in school:

- My favorite subjects in school were ecology, biology, physics, and math.
What are your top three movies of all time:
- Blade Runner (though Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, the Philip K. Dick novel on which it’s based, is better), Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, and The Godfather.
What's your go-to pie at the Norske Nook:
- I’m going to have to say the peanut butter cup pie.
What sports teams do you root for:
- I am a Wisconsin fan, through and through. Packers, Badgers and Brewers.
Share a random or little known fact about yourself:
- After all the biology and ecology that I have learned, I still enjoy learning about different programming languages. I am currently working on Python to supplement my thorough understanding of R.