College Days has been busy since Tuesday, with events such as trivia, a Euchre tournament, football and volleyball keeping our Senior Village campers busy. There as a march-madness style basketball tournament in which each of the four college days teams was divided further into four five-man basketball teams. The tournament was a lot of fun, and Max Dunn secured the biggest upset of the day with a game-winning layup. The arm wrestling competition included a tense matchup between Bennett Crane and Aidan Black that felt like it was never going to end. Today is the final day of college days, and has included events such as cheer writing, plaque making and a mascot competition, as well as tug of war. The teams also raced in an outdoor themed relay event that included a paddling portion, a portage, and a fire building component. Still to go is the cook off, where each team will prepare a three course meal for a few staff judges, and the bowling and karaoke events.
Predator Prey is a cabin based game that sees each cabin take on the role of a species on the food chain. The cabins need to find water, food, and shelter to survive. To mix it up, this predator prey was superhero themed. Wolverine and Superman were put at the top of the food chain. Iron Man and Captain America were among the middle tier, the lowest in the hierarchy included Black Widow and Green Lantern. Predator Prey is enjoyed by campers because it requires running and a bit of strategy in finding resources needed for survival.
In lieu of their village campfire, the Junior Village had its first "invention convention". Each cabin was given a bag filled with random objects such as a mask, a paper towel roll, some balloons and a deck of cards. They were given a half hour to invent a product and sell it to staff judges in a short commercial. Some of the inventions included a confetti popper and a "paradise viewer", a homemade virtual reality device to make the user feel they are beachside. The Intermediate Village had a talent show and a game of musical chairs that the entire village participated in.
Tomorrow's Friday Night Service will have the theme of perseverance and grit. On Saturday, campers will begin the second half of their second week of activities.