More about Carlos
If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
- Eagle
What is your favorite cartoon Character:
- Aang the Avatar
Where is your favorite spot at camp:
- The Tennis Courts
What is your dream Job:
- Tennis Professional
If you had a super hero power, what would it be:
- Superman
What is the best Christmas/Hanukkah present that you've ever gotten:
- A big family meeting
What is your preferred chicken nugget dip:
What are your top three movies of all time:
- Hercules, Gladiator and Wimbledon.
What's your go-to pie at the Norske Nook?
- Pecan and Chocolate
What is a little Known fact about yourself:
- Persistent
Share one notable camp memory:
- Every single day on the Tennis Courts with Mike Storms was a notable camp memory