Juan Diego González Ferreiro joins the NSC staff from Mexico city where he has lived all his life. Mexico city is one of the biggest cities in the world and is full of new things to do every day. Diego is currently on his last year of financial management in the Tecnológico de Monterrey campus Santa Fe in Mexico City, so this will be his last summer before he goes to the real world.
More about Juan
How did you learn about North Star and why did you apply?
An invitation was sent to the Tecnológico de Monterrey and shared to the students so they could apply to a camp through an international camp exchange association. I applied to North Star because I love working with kids and teaching them some of the values that I´ve have learned throughout my experiences as well as teaching abilities that will help them overcome any situation or problem they could have.
If you wrote an autobiography, what would the title be?
The life of Juan Diego González and other stories
If you could witness any historical event, what would you want to see?
I would placed my self on august 28 1963 at the Lincoln Memorial seeing one of the most inspiring speeches that I have ever heard from one of the people I admire the most talking about equality.
What is your dream vacation:
My dream vacation is anywhere where I can find Adventure and new experiences, I wish someday I could go to Africa to see the animals in wild life, see them in their natural habitat and see the how nature really works.
If you had a super hero power, what would it be:
If I had a superpower I would have super velocity (I would like to be Flash) so I could help the people in need when they need it, not a few seconds later, just in time when they need help.
What noteworthy/random/menial jobs have you held?
I worked as a teacher for an association that helps low income community teaching their kids basic mathematics and English. In that job we helped them with homework and any other doubt their fathers could not helped them with.
Another job I had was as a baby sitter, where I was in charge of a very good kid that was born In New York and because of his mother work they moved to Mexico city. Some of my duties where to take him to extracurricular classes, playing with him on weekends, helping him with his homework, preparing dinner among other responsibilities.
What TV show or movie are you ashamed to admit that you love?
The last movie I remembered I was ashamed was “Sing” and I´m not so ashamed that I loved it, but when I saw it I was the oldest guy in the room except for the parents of the little kids that where in the movie theatre.
What did you do last summer?
Last summer I went with my family to Europe, we visited London, Oxford, Brussels, Bruges, Amsterdam, Prague and other important cities.
What is a little Known fact about yourself:
When I was little I trained Olympic gymnastics because I loved feeling like Tarzan and being able to do things some people can´t do such as backflips and front flips.
What, if any previous camp/outdoor experiences have you had?
When I was younger my fathers send me to summer camps where we needed to do bonfires, make our own tent and be in touch with nature, so now I plan my vacations so I can always be outdoors and doing a sport that challenges me.
What did you do last summer?
Last summer I went with my family to Europe, we visited London, Oxford, Brussels, Bruges, Amsterdam, Prague and other important cities.
What is a little Known fact about yourself:
When I was little I trained Olympic gymnastics because I loved feeling like Tarzan and being able to do things some people can´t do such as backflips and front flips.
What, if any previous camp/outdoor experiences have you had?
When I was younger my fathers send me to summer camps where we needed to do bonfires, make our own tent and be in touch with nature, so now I plan my vacations so I can always be outdoors and doing a sport that challenges me.