North Star Camp for Boys

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving from North Star!

We wanted to take a minute to wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at North Star.  We also wanted to take the occasion to tell you that we are so thankful that you have chosen to be part of our North Star family and either spend your summers with us or have your son spend his summers with us.  We wanted to throw a keylog into the fire(place) to thank all of our great campers and their families, our awesome staff and alumni for helping make North Star such an amazing community. Whether you're in the Northwoods of Wisconsin or thousands of miles away, we hope that you have a great holiday. We cannot thank you enough for your support of North Star!

Thank you for the summers past and the ones in the future.  If your son can return for the Summer of 2011, we hope that he will do. We know the Summer of 2011 will be a great one. If you have any questions about Registration, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Thank you as well for all of the ways you continue to support North Star! Whether it is by referring your friends and family, by being active Alumni, by giving to the scholarship fund, or just by keeping us up to date on your life, we appreciate everything you do for North Star.

Thanks again for being part of the North Star family!

Happy Thanksgiving,

Leb, Sue, Dan and Andy

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

New NSC Apparel Preview

Over the past few months we've been working with the folks at Cloz Company to redesign our NSC logo apparel. We've been working on new designs for our shirts, hoodies, shorts and everything else. In a few days we'll be sending out information and a link to the online Cloz Store, but things are still in the works... but we're happy to give everyone a sneak preview of the new designs.

Many items will be available in green, gray and black, so you'll have more options, as well as a greater selection of items to choose from. As soon as the new items are online and for sale, we'll be sure to spread the word.

Friday, November 19, 2010

2010 Alumni Newsletter

The 2010 NSC Alumni newsletter is on-line. Click the newsletter below or go to the alumni section of the NSC website and then select the Alumni Newsletter link.

We're always looking for more alumni news and we collect it all year long, so if you have an update, send your news to Of course, we will utilize Leb's Ramblings all year long to keep everyone up to date on the latest alumni info!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

NSC Chicago Reunion Sets a Record

This past Sunday saw one of the off-season hallmarks, the North Star Chicago Reunion. With many of our families in either the suburban Chicago area or on the city itself, there is always a great turnout, and this year was no different. We gathered at the Takiff Center (formerly the Glencoe Community Center), enjoying the newly renovated facilities.

The reunion is always a great opportunity to catch up with camp folks. While it feels like late summer these days, its hard to realize that almost three months have passed since second session ended back on August 13th. So there was reason for all the excitement as everyone saw their camp friends, caught up, and shared news. Sue was diligent taking down news bits and we've got lots of info to share in the upcoming Siren, not just from Chicago, but from all of our reunions.

Then it was time for what everyone had been waiting for... the Chicago premier of "The Summer of 2010", the video made by Joe Riccitelli. As per usual, the video was great. Joe again traveled from Rhode Island to be at the reunion, but he wasn't the only one who traveled to the reunion. Dan Riemersman came from the Univ of Iowa, John Sheehan and Brant Schrage came from U of IL, Jon Weiss flew in with Leb and Andy from Cleveland, Jordan Santo came up from St. Louis and Trevor Van Laanen came from school in Wisconsin.

And yes, we did sent a new North Star record. After the reunion Leb and Sue take all of the staff and prospective CITs out to dinner. With a large CIT group and a few alumni in tow, the folks at Fuddruckers were pros at dealing with our large group. Several CITs and at least one JC attempted the various one pound burgers on the menu, however I don't believe that any were successful. The record that was set...the bill for all food. There were, however, Fuddruckers punch cards. Needless to say, Leb and Andy are going to get their fair share burgers on the road.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

November Newsletter is Online

The November Siren is online. Read the latest news and check out the updated list of campers who have signed up for the summer of 2011.
