North Star Camp for Boys
Friday, July 31, 2020
Da Bears
Since we can safely assume that our boys weren’t doing a lot of grocery shopping on their own prior to camp, we’d like to take this opportunity to remind you as parents that we ask for your partnership in supporting our camp policies and help set our staff up for success. Our counselors work very hard to take great care of your kids and confiscating their contraband is neither something that they enjoy doing nor is it something that helps facilitate a strong relationship with your son.

While the seniors have caught up in College Days, the Juniors and Intermediates have seen their trip schedules go into full swing. I-3 returned today from their canoe trip on the Lower Flambeau River. We have 4 more trips returning tomorrow: J-4 from the Nam/St. Croix, J-6 from the St. Croix, I-5 from the Lower Flam and I-6 from the Superior Hiking Trail. Tomorrow we will see cabins S-3 and S-4 take off on their hiking trips as well.
Today’s Grace:
“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.”
- Dalai Lama
Be seated.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020
It's The Big Ten

Right in the middle of Open Mic Monday, one of our white vans drove up with staff dressed in funny costumes to give the big reveal. The first time the van drove around, the staff popped out blowing whistles and running between tables. They unscrolled a poster that said “It might could is...Open Mic Monday!” and ran back into the van after fooling us all. They waited around five minutes to play yet another prank, and it wasn’t until the third time they drove around and hopped out of the car that they revealed that last night was the Big Ten. Each of the four boys were called to sit in chairs next to each other on the J3 porch, and some of their closest camp friends told funny stories about trips or nights off from past summers. While marble cake was passed out to everyone at camp, we watched pre-recorded messages from family and friends of the four boys who couldn’t physically be here to celebrate with us.
Today was a big day at camp. The J-Village went to Cornucopia Beach on Lake Superior for a fun day of swimming and beach games. They had lunch and cooked out dinner before heading back to camp for the evening. I3 and I6 headed out for their 3-day hiking trips, while the rest of the I-Village stayed back for a relaxing Cruiser Day, and the S-Village had their first day of College Days. This is a 3-day program where the oldest boys at camp play competitive games against one another. This year, the four college teams are The University of Puerto Rico Tarzans, The Colorado State University-Pueblo Thunderwolves, The College of Staten Island Dolphins, and The Knox College Prairie Fire. Scores are extremely close between teams at the moment...we will have to see who is in the lead by tomorrow night!
Lately on Cruiser Days, cabins have asked to take a pontoon boat to Butternut Island, just a short ride from camp property, to do their evening cookouts. Tonight, I2 had their turn! No matter the location, all campers made pita pizzas over the fire for dinner - these are always a huge hit. We can’t believe there is only one more Cruiser Day of the summer, but we will continue to make the most of every precious moment up here. The boys know that the peace of mind at camp and the beautiful nature we live in are not to be taken for granted. We’re looking forward to what tomorrow will bring!
Monday, July 27, 2020
The Return of Pine Manor
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Why we’re still in pods and masking
One of the biggest questions that we are still hearing is why are we still in pods and why are we still wearing masks. Everyone has tested negative twice at camp and at least once beforehand and we are in a well contained bubble here on camp property. While I love that we are largely able to shelter the campers and staff alike from the news of the outside world, I continue to read the stories of outbreaks and record numbers around the country. And as I do my best to keep tabs on the latest news and science, I am reminded the importance of not only continuing to always prioritize the health and safety of the boys, but also that we are working to prepare our community for life after camp as well.
While we continue to have no cases of Covid-19 at camp, we are neither metaphorically nor literally out of the woods yet. By continuing to mask and distance, carry on our sanitation protocols, and remain in village pods, we are taking the steps necessary to limit the transmission of Covid-19 should it find a way into camp. There are food deliveries, too many packages, camping trips and even a few trips to the clinics and hospitals. While we have strong protocols in place to mitigate the risk in these instances, mitigation is not elimination. Though we’d love to play a game of All-Camp Capture the Flag instead of by village or let the whole staff play a big game of Speedball, I know that if Covid were to sneak into camp somehow I would be grateful that we continued to take steps to stop it from spreading.
One of the most impactful moments of the summer continues to be when one of the 12-year-old boys asked me in front of camp when the world would go back to normal. I didn’t know the answer then and I still don’t know it now. But I do know that our boys are going to go home at the end of the summer to a world that looks different. If they go to a store, a restaurant, or even if they have some in-person schooling, they’re going to be wearing masks. They’re going to be going into a world with re-opening plans, gating protocols, and two-week quarantines every time somebody in their class, their school, or on their team tests positive for Covid-19. While I’d love for everything just to be “normal” here at camp, there are 70,000 reminders a day now that life is not normal outside of our bubble and I am grateful for the sense of normalcy that we can still provide, even with pods and masks.

And man are we still having fun! Today we had Challenge Games during their last period of the day, where one cabin challenges another cabin within their village to a camp activity. This could be anything from water volleyball to dodgeball to tennis to basketball and anything in between. Today, the J-Village took over the field house and the cabins took turns playing basketball against one another, while the I-Village took over the ball field to play a few games of tennis baseball simultaneously, gaga and 9-square-in-the-air. S2 challenged S4 to a game of basketball on our outdoor court and S1 challenged S3 to competitive sailing, which was perfect with today’s wind. I can’t think of a better way for the boys to adjust to whatever the new normal might look like.
Today’s Grace:
“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.”
-Winston Churchill
Be seated.
Friday, July 24, 2020
Learning from Our Mistakes
Tonight, once again, was our weekly Friday Night Service. And perhaps all the more appropriate given the amount of tumult in the world outside our bubble at North Star, the theme of the evening was learning and growing from mistakes and failures. Or more succinctly titled on our packets tonight: “Mistakes are Opportunities to Learn.” Jared Marcus gave a fantastic sermonette about failing the right way and growing at each turn, and spoke to his own mistakes here at camp and at home that have led to new passions and new successes.

This is actually one of my favorite services of the summer, because what better place than summer camp is there to make mistakes? Try a new sport you’ve never tried before, miss the archery target 10 times before finally getting it, spend all summer signing up for climbing trying to get to the top of the challenge wall, finally getting up on water-skis after falling over and over again. It’s a pretty rare place in life to get to try, and fail, at so many new things: socially, physically, athletically, an environment free from the judgments or eyebrow raises of the outside world.
Today wrapped up our last day of the current series of campers’ activity picks before they move on to trying a different set of projects tomorrow. That last day is always filled with the sounds of campers striving to reach personal milestones via our Objective Based Programming I mentioned in our last post. It’s really the culmination of the activities and games and skills through the 3 days on a project. But whether they hit all the targets they need to move up a level in riflery, finish the rocket they were building, get a handle on fielding ground balls or not, the joy is in the trying and growing. Or hey, sometimes just in the goofy fun!
So before moving on to our next round of picks, it was nice to close out the week with this message tonight. Try something new. Fall on your face. Laugh it off. Get up and try it again. And we couldn’t have picked a better night: a beautiful sunset, perfect whether, a nice breeze off the lake through the trees at the Council Ring. If there’s a bubble to be in while the world learns from mistakes around us, we sure could do worse than this one!
I for one can’t wait for the next week of successes, failures, growth - and most of all fun - up here in the North Woods.
Today’s Grace:
The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have.
- Vince Lombardi
Be seated.
Hot fun in the summertime
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Cruiser Day Shenanigans
Monday, July 20, 2020
The Fun of Normal
The Canadian Departs & Individual Activities Return!
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Covindependence Day (07/18/2020)
Friday, July 17, 2020
United Nations Day Two: Argentina Takes the Crown!
Thursday, July 16, 2020
United Nations Day Summitt
The Goals of the United Nations:While we are lucky enough to have a few members of our international community this year, we are missing many more campers and staff who could not travel under the current circumstances. We miss our international campers and staff and it was nice to take a moment to be grateful for the global connections that camp has provided us through the years.
1. To maintain international peace and security
2. To develop friendly relations among nations
3. To achieve international co-operation in solving international problems
4. To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends
Number two stuck out to me in particular. These goals are laid out on a worldwide level but I have seen this one achieved through individual experiences.
I teach Middle School Math at the Twin Cities German Immersion School in Saint Paul. Each year our 8th graders take part in an exchange program with students from Germany. About 40-50 German students stay with our students for three weeks in the Fall and then host our 8th graders in the Spring. I was involved in chaperoning the trip in 2019. Throughout the program I watched, as years of learning about a language, a culture, and a people became real for a group of teenagers. It wasn’t eating donor kabobs in the Tiergartden in Berlin that made it real. It wasn't buying birkenstocks or Kinder Chocolate from the shops in Muenster that made it real. And, It definitely was not the 3 hour tour of the Bentheim castle in the German countryside. What made it real for my students was the new friends they made from two small little towns in the German countryside. The memories that they created after school and on weekends are what helped to develop friendships that will hopefully last forever. A friendship created between Germany and the United States that is based on friendships between teenagers.
Now, you do not have to join an exchange program and travel 14 hours on a plane to make friends with people from other nations. During my time in Germany I had a free weekend, so I caught a train to Amsterdam to meet up with one of my good friends from Scotland. We had a great time catching up and exploring a new city that neither of us had been to. We found ourselves in a taxi to the Anne Frank house when our driver asked where we were from. I said I was from the US and my friend is from Scotland. He asked how we met and became friends. That is when I told him about how we met at a boys camp we both worked at in the summer. That friend was Drew Lorimer who many of you know from his time as a counselor at Northstar. Now, I have never been to Scotland. I do not know the national anthem for Scotland. I certainly do not know the top exported goods from Scotland. But when I think of Scotland I think of Drew, and our friendship. A friendship that started right here in a small camp in the NorthWoods.
Although the United Nations consists of a large group of countries from all around the world, remember that its goals can still be achieved by individuals from anywhere in the world.
Today’s Grace:
“The important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win, but to take part; the important thing in Life is not triumph, but the struggle; the essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.”
-Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the modern Olympic Games
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Cruiser Day #2
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Espionage, Espionage, Ooh, Ahh
Monday, July 13, 2020
Sunday, July 12, 2020
The Tests Are All Negative!
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