His activities are not limited to sports. Andrew is interested in economics, business and social sciences. At his high school he is the president of his investment club and manages a hedge
fund for his school (we want to know more about this). At North Star, you
will find Andrew instructing rock climbing, sailing and riflery.
More About Andrew
Favorite Tombstone pizza type: Cheese pizza All the way!
Favorite project at camp (that you don’t necessarily instruct): Rock climbing!
More About Andrew
Favorite Tombstone pizza type: Cheese pizza All the way!
Favorite project at camp (that you don’t necessarily instruct): Rock climbing!
Your three favorite movies of all time: Anchorman, Happy Gilmore, Skyfall
Preferred wanegan offering: Skittles
Best evening program at camp: Camper counselor hunt.
Favorite camp (card) game: Euchre
If you could have lunch with any two people, dead or alive, who would they be?: That’s a tough one, Probably Andrew Carnegie and Barak Obama.
What is your dream job: A Wall Street Executive
A little known fact about yourself: I’m the manager of my school’s
hedge fund!