This past Sunday, we welcomed our 2nd session campers from Chicago and the Minneapolis airport as they ran up the hill through a man-made tunnel of cheering 8-week campers and staff. There, everyone gathered around the flagpole where cabins were announced for this session and new friends were happily made.

The next day, we proceeded with swim tests, health checks, and village activities. While some were swimming laps or getting their temperature taken, others played dodgeball or paddle boarded. Because the campers who are staying for 8 weeks completed these checks last session, they spent their day at the beach on Lake Superior. For dinner, staff dressed up in costumes and cheered as campers entered the lodge for our banquet, enjoying pasta, Caesar salad, and dirt and worms for dessert (chocolate and gummy worms!!).
We had our first full day of programs on Tuesday. Returners enjoyed programs like climbing or archery they had been dreaming about doing all year, while first time campers got to try waterskiing or sailing for the very first time. In the evening, everyone headed to the Council Ring to see the Staff Show, hosted by our very Nick Farley and Jared Gillett! Groups of staff were called up to create their own answers to fill-in-the-blank answers and introduced themselves to the campers.

Thursday was our very first Cruiser Day of the session. While we usually have them on Tuesdays, this reason was for a special occasion. It was the day we surprised everyone and went the Lumberjack World Championship! The Junior Village went to the KOA Campground in Hayward, WI and met up with the rest of the camp there. While some watched lumberjacks chop wood and run across logs, others tried their hand at hitting the bell with a mallet and winning the glorious "Stay Giant™" t-shirt.
Yesterday was our first Friday Night Service of the session, the theme being teamwork. Even though rain was expected and the air blew on the chilly side, that didn't stop North Star. We had our Keylog Ceremony, which gives campers and staff the opportunity thank those that had helped them. Guitars were played, songs were sung, keylogs were thrown, and an excellent sermonette was given by Jonah Goldfine.
And with a fantastic first week, we look forward to the next one!