North Star Camp for Boys

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Lazy Day --> Busy Day

After a great game of Espionage last night, today was our Lazy Day. We slept in and had a special breakfast, but then the day really got rolling from there.

During each camper’s first summer, they are chosen to be on the green or white team and that team is their team for their life at North Star. One of the biggest events we have for Green/White competition each session is the Green/White Marathon. The marathon is a giant relay race that sweeps throughout camp and over the course of two hours covers paddleboarding, swimming, log rolling, portaging canoes, climbing, stacking chairs, making sandwiches, washing hands, making beds, riflery, archery, slip-and-sliding and finally, BOIL WATER BOIL! The first and second session marathons are almost identical, except that during the second session marathon, each team must carry an egg throughout the race and each activity must be completed without breaking the egg. The egg can be in your pocket, your hand or your sock (which was a new one), but if it breaks at any point, the egg runner for that team must run back to the office porch to retrieve a new one before the team can proceed. 

White was ahead for nearly the entire race, but it all comes down to Boil Water Boil, the final event where the two teams race to build a fire that boils the water in a tin can. The Green team fire builders started far behind the White team, but managed a comeback victory to win the marathon in very exciting fashion. Now we await the final scores for the summer-long Green-White competition...

Tonight's evening program was our fantastic camper musical. This year's show was a take on the movie Space Jam, but was instead called Kan-Jam, named after a popular lawn game with a frisbee that our campers love to play. Jack S. featured as Michael Jordan, who was a senior village camper, and instead of the "Tune Squad," he joined forces with the camp dogs to take on the camp directors in a grueling Kan Jam showdown. Director Cole H hit all the right marks with some great original songs and fantastic comedy, keeping everyone laughing with lighthearted ribbing of our Leadership Team!

Tomorrow is Camper-Counselor Switch Day! Look out for the pictures where our staff are masquerading as campers and our senior camper are taking over for our staff.

Today's Grace:
I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.
- Nelson Mandela