North Star Camp for Boys

Monday, January 16, 2012

Staff Spotlight: Andy Rodheim

It's Andy "Crazy Legs" Rodheim. We're not exactly sure where the nickname Crazy Legs comes from...some insist that if you ever watch Andy run, it will make sense. Currently a sophomore at Northwestern University, Andy is very involved in the AEPi fraternity as the rush chairman. At camp,  Andy instructs tennis and also drives ski boats. He also makes sure that our youngest campers are taken care of as he returns as our Junior Village Director. Andy returns for his 10th summer (also known as the Big Ten... its kind of a big deal).

Its "Crazy Leg's Rodheim!!!
More about Andy: 

Favorite TV show: Sports Center and Law and Order

Best place you've ever traveled to: Israel

Sports team(s) that you root for: Cubs, Bears, Bulls, Blackhawks, Northwestern Wildcats

Favorite camp meal: Hamburgers and Hot Dogs, Fries, Bug Juice, and of course, the firecracker popsicles for dessert

Favorite spot at camp: The Council Ring

Favorite all camp/special program to do at camp: Glenn’s Game… Just Kidding. We’ll go with UN Day/
Pow-Wow Day.

Earliest camp memory: I still remember the first night in the summer of 2003, and having hamburgers and fries for dinner. It’s the best. 

If you had a super hero power, what would it be: To Fly

Best Hanukkah present that you've ever gotten: A little background. I collect bobbleheads and have over 200. For the longest time I’ve wanted a Michael Jordan bobblehead. Finally, a few years ago, my parents got mean old school, Michael Jordan bobblehead!

Preferred chicken nugget dip: Barbeque Sauce, no question
Very few people know that Andy's life long goal is to drive a big yellow bus!