Jacob is from from Omaha, Nebraska. When not studying in New Zealand, he's a student at the University of Southern California. He'll be entering his senior year there in the fall and he's studying economics and political philosophy. This will be summer #11 for at camp Jacob. He is one of our village directors and will instruct golf, windsurfing and some tennis.
More about Jacob
If you were stranded on a deserted island, what are three things you'd bring?
- Sunscreen, a water bottle, and a good disposition.
What is your favorite spot at camp?
- The middle of Brewer’s Bay on a windsurf board.
If you could have lunch with any two people, dead or alive, who would they be?
- Thomas Jefferson and Elon Musk
What sports team(s) that you root for?
- Nebraska Cornhuskers, USC Trojans, Creighton Bluejays, and whatever team has Lebron James.
What is your favorite special program at camp?
- Commando Raid
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and what would you do there?
- Patagonia to learn Spanish and climb some mountains.
What's your go-to pie at the Norske Nook?
- Raspberry-Peach Melba
Best holiday gift that you've ever gotten?
- New golf club
How has camp impacted you?
- I learned how to be myself, how to be a leader, gained a love for the outdoors, made some great friends, and learned to play speedball.