On Thursday we had our second Green-White series of the summer. The events were changed around so campers were able to compete in different areas than the previous series. Highlights included a canoe-relay, chess and checkers and baggo. The juniors and seniors had games of basketball and the intermediates played a fun game of dodgeball.
Saturday kicked off Rookie Weekend, which gives prospective campers the opportunity to come get a taste of camp during the summer and try out some activities for themselves. They arrived at camp after lunch with their families, and then were given a tour of camp. The rookies participated in challenge games with J1 and J2 before heading to swim point and the blob. They played in the Dodgeball Extravaganza for evening program before being picked up by their parents. They will return tomorrow to participate in a few activity periods. We are always so excited to show off camp to prospective families because we believe our campers are the nicest guys around! If you know of anyone who might be interested in attending second session's Rookie Weekend, let us know! They are a great opportunity to try out camp and see the energy during the summer. You can see more information about Rookie Weekend on our website.
The Dodgeball Extravaganza is a Green-White Evening Program. Each village is already split up into Green-White teams. Each of those teams plays a game of bombardment dodgeball against the staff of each village (the Senior Village staff get some help from the out of cabin staff). The aim is to last as long as possible against the staff, and if possible, to have as many members of your team available at the end of an 8-minute time period. Everyone was glad to have one of our warmest nights of the summer for a great night of dodgeball.